I simply found myself caught up in this story, anticipating the next poker game, wondering if they would all get whacked, or survive. John Turturro is perfectly cast as Damon's friend and 'street' advisor. Will she stay, or will she move out? And finally, John Malkovich does a wonderful job as the Russian gambler nicknamed 'KGB'. Her distaste for gambling puts a great strain on their relationship. This approach gets both of them in some pretty hot water, and also deep in debt!! Damon's character has a S.O. Norton's character is also a poker player, but also incorporates cheating because that just helps you make money faster. However, Ed Norton plays his good buddy just getting out of prison. Basic story - Damon's character is a 2nd yr law student in NYC, and a good enough poker player that he has aspirations of entering and winning the million-dollar prize in the world series of poker in Lasvegas. I am not a gambler, so maybe that is part of why I found it so fascinating. So, when I watched it on DVD I was pleasantly surprised how engaging a film it is. I knew 'Rounders' had something to do with gambling, and that Matt Damon stars in it, but not much more.